Monday, February 3, 2020

Perpetual Mercy Hospital Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Perpetual Mercy Hospital - Case Study Example The present case reflects the situation of analyzing the organization’s strength in combating competition. Background of the medical sector in US In USA earlier hospital sector was considered as a fully charitable sector which was used by the doctors as field of practicing their skills. The entire hospital sector was funded by some trusts who wanted to do some charitable work. In 1960s the whole scenario was changed with the introduction of the Hill Burton Act. The hospitals were provided with more and more funds for expansion construction work and other facilities. During this time the commercial insurance sector that is the medical insurance sector also grew a lot enabling the general people to take advantage of the medical facilities. More over the employers also started giving medical facilities to their employees in terms of fringe benefits. Fringe benefits are the benefits given the employer to the employee in cash or in kind (Thuronyi, 1998, p. 515). Again in 1980s the US hospital sector experienced a vast change in terms of innovation in medical facilities like the introduction of health maintenance organization, preferred provider organization and ambulatory health care facilities. In one hand the US government reduced the medical aid provided to the hospital in other hand the health maintenance organization that provided preventive medical facilities and preferred provider organization who served as a link between medical facilities provider and employer reduced the normal foot fall of the patients in hospital. The emergency and repetitive health care was also taken care by the ambulatory services. As a response to the changed environment of the health sector the Perpetual Mercy Hospital also involved itself in the work of preferred provider organization through their clinic named Downtown Health Clinic. Objective The main objective of this case is to find out a possible way in which the Downtown Health Clinic can be made most efficient in fulf illing the expectations of the patients and at the same time becoming a non replaceable clinic. The main objective of the Downtown Health Clinic was to expand the hospitals referrals base and also to increase the footfall of the insured patients which in turn will help them to become financially self sufficient. As the Peripheral Mercy Hospital main objective was to use the Downtown Health Clinic as the preferred provider organization and enhance the base providing the employment physical examination and workers compensation and treatment. Another thing of concern is that only 35% of patients are from referrals. The main objective of the clinic was to increase the referral base but as the percentage of patients coming through reference in quiet low. Another objective of the case is to extend the working hours in an effective way so that the clinic does not have to bear much cost for increasing the working hours. The patients also complained about the waiting time. The objective of t his case is also design the working hours in such a way that will reduce the waiting time of patients. Moreover as most of the patients served by the clinic were female therefore at the clinic should offer more services to the female patients. There was also a suggestion of introducing a gynecological department

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