Essay writing classes
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
East Asian Growth Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
East Asian Growth - Case Study Example We will likewise take a gander at the log jam of the Japanese and the Russian economy. The development in the East Asian economy has crested in the wake of arriving at explicit levels; the thinking behind this will be examined and the wavering of development about this top before settling down to a norm and uniform development rate is proposed. While the nations attempt to arrive at the necessary GDP for a created country at the most punctual, they likewise might want to take the briefest conceivable course to this quick development. Three fundamental components have been distinguished by financial specialists that impact monetary development. These are the capital, work and the innovative advancement. Capital implantation has been a significant supporter of development in industry and the general financial development of the nation or society. This has occurred in Europe during the mechanical insurgency just as in US when it changed gears with monstrous speculations to outperform the European countries in the initial fifty years of the twentieth century. The capital venture that the nations could activate will turn into a need in the beginning periods of monetary development especially, when the nation is attempting to arrive at the exhibition levels of the other created nations. This isn't a time of advancement however a time of imitating different's efficiencies. This is important to guarantee that the nation doesn't linger behind the other to an extreme. Impact of capital is very notable in the monetary development of a nation. This has been more than once demonstrated by the Russians and by the Japanese and now by the Chinese. The Chinese the travel industry has taken in remote speculations and money to such a degree, that today China is in the main five vacationer goals on the planet. This has been made conceivable for the most part by the capital ventures that have been siphoned into the nation both by Chinese business people just as by outside direct speculators. So also, capital speculations from the US assumed a significant job in the underlying development in Japan. This was rehashed in Singapore and in other Eastern economies as much likewise with the Russian and Eastern coalition nations in Europe. There was a huge capital inflow into these nations which led the development in these nations. This is in accordance with both Paul Krugman's view just as that of the old style financial analysts pushing Solow Model. In accordance with the model, the nations in the East Asia showed fast and more than typical development in their monetary structure because of the unexpected flood of capital. Work Work is the other significant supporter of creation. Creation or yield per specialist is improved by capital. Be that as it may, creation itself is gotten by work in relationship with capital. Work has the job of expanding the creation utilizing the contributed capital. This has occurred in Russia as called attention to by Paul Krugman when huge scope development of work was done from the towns to the creation habitats. This brought about a gigantic development rate that was misjudged by the media as a proceeding with wonder. Work would expand the creation straightforwardly. Nonetheless, untalented or work that doesn't amplify creation
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Entrepreneurial Action Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Enterprising Action - Coursework Example Tentative arrangements 10 14. Financing demand 10 15. Leave techniques 10 Executive Summary Solo Pasta Restaurant is a pasta eatery situated on Holloway Road 7N. The business is possessed by four accomplices that contributed similarly to finance the business. Our point is to develop the business seeing benefits in the principal year and assemble acknowledgment and consciousness of the business. At last we intend to venture into different markets. Rivalry is essentially from cheap food diners for example McDonalds and another business that will contend legitimately with us. Business Idea Concept Solo Pasta Restaurant will serve an assortment of pasta, sauces, vegetables and meat. Our administration will be extraordinary in that the clients can structure his pasta bowl with anything they desire on the pasta. It will situate forty (40) benefactors and utilize four (4) workers. The arranged objective market would be first understudies, in view of the area and working grown-ups, as these are the two gatherings of individuals that eat out the most. Solo Pasta will offer a (20%) rebate to understudies. Solo Pasta will utilize talented laborers that can accommodate quick amicable assistance and produce quality nourishments. Notwithstanding the pasta dishes, Solo Pasta will offer hot beverages and breakfast loaves. Strategic Pasta Restaurant’s mission is to furnish quality items with quick amicable assistance. ... Goals Solo Pastas objective is to breakeven or post a benefit in the main year of tasks. We likewise need to increase 30% of the focused on business sectors before the finish of the main year of tasks. SWOT Analysis Strengths Solo Pasta was first to open at its area and it has just started to build up an unwavering demographic. A considerable lot of similar clients stop in for espresso or tea and breakfast loaves for quite a while, and the equivalent is valid for our lunch and supper customer base. A considerable lot of our clients have exploited our advancements of free espresso and (20%) understudy limits. Monetarily Solo Pasta is surpassing the breakeven point consistently as of the second month of activity. Besides we offer a remarkable item and administration by permit clients to plan the substance of their pasta bowls. Solo pasta has better than expected nature of item and exceeds expectations in client support. Moreover our area is an advantage as we are in the core of north g rounds and near the cylinder on Holloway Road. Shortcomings Solo Pasta uses no outside subsidizing. This restrains the sum that can be spent on promoting. Solo Pasta has a predetermined number of seating limit. Directly, Solo Pasta doesn't offer a do support. Openings Solo Pasta could search out financial specialists to expand the measure of assets accessible for publicizing. Solo Pasta could build up a do administration to expand number of day by day clients they could serve. Solo Pasta could run extra advancements to expand deals. Solo Pasta could promote on nearby or university TV and radio broadcasts. Dangers Solo Pasta face a danger from the new café that simply opened. The dangers presented by the new café, dissimilar to different restaurants on Holloway, serve
Saturday, August 1, 2020
4 Ways to Take Control of your LinkedIn Endorsements
4 Ways to Take Control of your LinkedIn Endorsements I’m a self-identified control freak when it comes to certain aspects of my life, and as such, I am perpetually perturbed by the Skills Expertise section on LinkedIn. The way this section works, anyone can endorse me for anything â€" even things I know nothing about! And if enough people endorse me for things I do not consider important, these skills will be prominently displayed at the top of my Skills list. Aargh! You might, like me, get an email almost daily telling you that someone wants to endorse you for “new†Skills not currently listed on your profile. And if you’re like me, there was a reason you didn’t list that skill in the first place. Either you don’t have that skill or you don’t want to market it. What I do in this situation is press “Skip†and wait until the next well-meaning person endorses me for skills I don’t have. At the National Resume Writers’ Association Conference in Chicago this past week, LinkedIn endorsements were a hot topic. We are all concerned that the wrong people are endorsing us for the wrong things. In one session about LinkedIn, trainer Dean DeLisle suggested that we take control of our Skills Expertise and stop complaining about it! How can you wield control over this pesky section? Well, let me tell you: Fill in ALL 50 Skills. This way there will be less likelihood of additional, inappropriate skills being added to your profile. You would have to delete one skill to add another. Press “Skip†to decline adding Skills to your profile. Know that the skills listed at the top of your Skills list are the ones with the most endorsements. If you want different skills to show up there, ask your connections to endorse you for the ones you want to appear at the top! (I am going to do this momentarily. Be forewarned.) As a last resort, you can delete a skill, add it back, and start over from zero endorsements. That will push other skills higher up on your list. Please Take Action! A Request I’ve found that a lot of people seem to endorse me for Blogging, Social Networking, Social Media Marketing, Nonprofits, Career Management, Time Management, and a lot of other things I don’t market as my specialties. My request to you is to endorse me for the list of Skills Expertise that appears below. Please only do so if you are confident that I have the skill! Also note that to endorse a skill, you must be a 1st-degree connection. I invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn if we are not already connected. Hint when endorsing anyone for skills: Don’t default or be limited to the ones suggested at the top of their profile! Scroll down in the profile to the Skills Expertise section and choose from there. You will be able to click on a + sign to choose the skill. For example: Heres my list of requests. Thanks in advance for your support! Resume Writing Executive Resumes Executive Resume Writing Sales Resumes Marketing Resumes C-Level Resumes Senior Management Resumes Supply Chain Resumes Operations Resumes LinkedIn LinkedIn Profiles Cover Letters Professional Bios College Application Essays MBA Admissions Consulting Law School Admissions Consulting Law School Resumes I’m making this request partly as an experiment in service of my e-book, How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile. If I can change the appearance of my Skills Expertise section, then I will be able to stand tall and recommend similar action to my e-book readers in the 8th edition. Also, if you think I am familiar with your skills and want me to endorse you for specific ones, I will do so IF I know your abilities first-hand. Thank you and I look forward to the changing face of all our LinkedIn profiles!
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay on Heroin Addictions in Females - 1206 Words
To look at the heroin addiction in females, we will first have to look at where it all began. A study done by Deborah L Rhoads shows that, in the early 19th century, â€Å"Society considered it a wealth or status symbol for most middle and upper middle-class women to need to have numerous home visits from their male doctors who often prescribed opiate medicine for â€Å"female†complaints. A lady was expected to need of chemical assistance, and Laudanum, a liquid opiate preparation, was the female medication of the day.†There was an early outlook that everything wrong with females was a medical condition and men or their husbands always controlled the drug choices for his wife, daughter or mother. This might have set a path for the epidemic of†¦show more content†¦Females are likely to be involved in prostitution, and they have been frequently arrested for this crime and other misdemeanors, such as shoplifting just too able to get that next fix. Research has shown female women addictions are likely to be attributed to psychological, emotional or â€Å"normal female†causes, whereas male symptoms are only explained as likely to be caused by physical things.†(Gutierres According to Officer Shaddle, this pattern of illegal actions to get the money to support a drug addiction holds true for females in 2013. He stated in an interview on November 12 2013, â€Å"There are approximately 28 women held in detention awaiting trial and 7 males on drug related charges in Brown County.†Abby Thompson a counselor for Transitions Intensive, an outpatient therapy program (IOP) said in an interview on November the 1 2013 that she has found that many issues relating to the females addiction and relapse rate appear related to emotional issues’ of past abuse, in the family. Thompson stated â€Å"Relapse rate for females are usually higher because of the emotion burdens they carry over from childhood. That IOP has 6 more times females in the outpatient program than men with legal issues. IOP has more males than females that graduate from the program†(Thompson) IOP is one of many treatment programs in our local area that treat heroin addictions. According to the employee hand-book, this â€Å"program is a 6-- month programShow MoreRelatedHeroin Addiction : Contributing Factors1527 Words  | 7 PagesHeroin Addiction: Contributing Factors in a Global Issue Abstract This paper will examine the impact of heroin addiction on the family, the individual, the child, the adult, older adults, special populations, on minorities, while taking in consideration various approaches in assessments, treatment recommendations, and ethical concerns. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to identify heroin addiction’s impact on lifespan and family, while taking in consideration multiculturalRead MoreAddiction And Substance Abuse During Pregnancy952 Words  | 4 Pages Mothers addicted to heroin during a pregnancy are not only harmful to mother and child during gestation but have many social and medical problems after birth of the child. In the first paragraph I describe how women might come to find themselves in the situation of abusing drugs and finding out they are pregnant. I will provide information on some signs or a profile of addiction and substance abuse in women. The next point I will cover is through an interesting study that shows what the mothersRead MoreHeroin, Then Versus Now1169 Words  | 5 PagesAmanda Deane ENG 111-L03 Lauren Foster 9/29/2015 Heroin, Then Versus Now Heroin or H has always been significant in human life. Early on opiates were used as health treatments as well as sacred medications but as time has gone on it has taken a wrong turn by becoming so deadly. The evolution and usage of heroin has drastically changed from the 1980’s to today by alterations, distribution, and influences. Heroin is made from morphine from the opium poppy plant. The plant has continued to grow mostlyRead MoreThe Ironical History Of Substance Abuse1218 Words  | 5 PagesUpper class women in America and England, however, typically avoided the opium dens and even public drinking. Instead, they privately indulged at home in a 10% opium/90% alcohol â€Å"medicine†called laudanum, frequently prescribed by physicians for â€Å"female problems.†It became a popular vice. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, for example, used it habitually for physical and psychological reasons. Historians, however, disagree over the role the drug played in her death. Refinements continued in the processingRead MoreA Brief Note On Heroin And Its Effects On The Body And Their Families Essay1608 Words  | 7 PagesTechnical University September 22, 2015 5. Heroin is a highly addicting drug that cause irreparable damage to the body and their families, here is the molecular structure of heroin(Image by Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015) More and more young adults have become victims of heroin overdoses in the past 10 years, why? In recent new accounts, this crisis has been attributed to bad batches of this illegal drug coming from various sources. In Ohio the Heroin epidemic has put law enforcement and law makersRead MoreA Brief Note On Drug Abuse Treatment For Nonviolent Addicts967 Words  | 4 Pagesyour health policy concerning this health priority. Replacing Prison Terms with Drug Abuse Treatment for nonviolent addicts Historically, those of a drug or substance abuse are thought of as criminals and given prison terms for their addiction. With the current Heroin epidemic, our prisons are filling-up, costing taxpayers approximately $30,000 a year, per prisoner (msnbc). In particular, Licking County has seen a 47% increase from 2014, in the number of drug overdoses (Bruner, 2016). With such statisticsRead MoreThe Liberalization Of Drugs During America1309 Words  | 6 Pageshave more experience and skill, to take over. With a less than 1% success rate, the DEA is still being funded around 30 billion dollars (Performance Budget). The reason most of the drugs in the U.S. are illegal are due to racist ties, this includes heroin (opium), marijuana, and cocaine. The U.S. should end the war on drugs and instead focus on the rehabilitation and discharge of drug abusers, users and dealers. Prohibition may prevent some from taking drugs, but in the process it causes huge societalRead MoreHeroin Use And Addiction Has Historically Been A Problem1680 Words  | 7 PagesHeroin use and addiction has historically been a problem in large cities within disadvantaged neighborhoods (Levengood, Lowinger, Schooff, 1973). However, in recent years, many suburban, higher income communities have been affected by heroin and its victims are becoming much younger than the typical heroin addict. According to a qualitative study done on young heroin users in Baltimore, Maryland, the new generation of heroin users have a different demographic profile than older heroin users inRead MoreThe Heroin Epidemic1241 Words  | 5 Pages English 151-15 29 September 2013 Heroin Rising If one traveled through the small quiet community of Monroe, MI you would probably never think that this town has a drug problem. From the outside it seems like a nice middle class suburb that might be ideal to raise a family. For those that reside here however, they know that there is a growing problem. There aren’t many families that haven’t been affected by heroin addiction in this small town. The drug has literally swept through this countyRead MoreHeroin : Drugs And Drugs1472 Words  | 6 PagesAlso known as Diamorphine, heroin was first successfully synthesized by Charles Romley Alder Wright, a researcher at St. Mary’s Medical Hospital in London. American doctors jumped on the release of heroin as soon as it hit the markets. Heroin was used to treat many things including headaches, colds and even female hysteria. Around the time of its invention, a major morphine epidemic was sweeping across the nation. It was believed by the majority of American doctor s that heroin had a solution to the long
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Marketing Concept Report Marketing Essay - 1392 Words
Marketing Concept Report The world today has become a global village, and this has necessitated better marketing strategies to ensure the success of any business. Marketing has become very dynamic with many plans that are all designed to ensure a business survives in its market in this day of fierce competition. The markets have become a place of change or die, and that is why there are so many strategies such as segmentation, customer satisfaction, and consumer relationship management among other key strategies. All the strategies help a business to achieve its corporate objectives and gain a competitive advantage against the rival enterprises in its industry. Segmentation Every enterprise in any industry has identified the target market that composes their customer base. The strategy that divides this market into homogenous groups that have similar characteristics is segmentation. Segmentation helps an organization to concentrate its marketing energy and force on their most promising set of customers to ensure that they gain a competitive advantage (Goyat, 2011). The marketer can understand the needs of the target market better, their wants and demands. The idea of market segmentation was developed around the 1950s by a great thinker, Wendell R. Smith, (Goyat, 2011) who said that â€Å"Market segmentation is to divide a market into smaller groups of buyers with distinct needs, behavior or characteristics, who might require separate products or marketing mixes.†The globalShow MoreRelatedNike Markeing1333 Words  | 6 PagesModule 1: Marketing Assignment [pic] Date for Submission: 15th September 2010 To achieve a pass in this unit the learner must: LO1: Investigate the concept and process of marketing LO2: Explore the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning LO3: Identify and analyse the individual elements of the extended marketing mix LO4: Apply the extended marketing mix to different marketing segments and contexts Context The purpose of this report is to applyRead MoreMarketing Mix1631 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The report is tasked to take an in-depth look at the marketing environment in which our chosen organization, bskyb operates within. The report is further tasked to identify why complacency should have no place in the complex competitive market in which bskyb operates. In order to address the issues at hand, the report will establish and identify the elements of bskyb marketing mix and outline the necessity to continuously â€Å"explore various possibilities of improving their activitiesRead MoreA Research Report on Marketing of Sports Goods Products1330 Words  | 6 Pages5 years period from 2002-2007. MARKETING Marketing is challenging and exciying. The solving of marketing problems requires insight, experience and analytical ability. Take the case of a company faced with the problem of increasing its sales. Increase in the sales at the expense of profits may not be a desirable objective. Again there are many ways in which sales can be increased e.g. by finding new customers or selling more to existing customers. MARKETING STATEGY The word â€Å"Strategy†hasRead MoreComparative Research On Green Marketing Essay1071 Words  | 5 PagesComparative research on green marketing in the food industry of China and U.S. -- based on Mengniu and Kellogg Literature review This review will consider the following aspects: The first is a general background of China and U.S. food market. The second illustrates the green marketing concept. The third describes the problems existing in the food industry of practicing green marketing. Finally, the aim of the project is stated. 1.1 Background of China andRead MoreBusiness Analysis : Kellogg Company1654 Words  | 7 Pageswhich are Wuhan Frealth, Arla, Danone and so on (Labreport, 2008). The local alliances offer Mengniu with the opportunities to build a capillary distribution network and help the company be the sole supplier for Starbucks (a pioneer in the green marketing area) outlets within the China. The international partnership helped Mengniu enter the overseas market and learnt many advanced methods on reducing the carbon emissions during the transportation. Kellogg’s case study Introduction Kellogg companyRead MoreHow to Lay Out a Marketing Assignment1054 Words  | 5 PagesHNC Business Marketing Unit 1 Summary of learning outcomes To achieve this unit a learner must: 1 Investigate the concept and process of marketing 2 Explore the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning 3 Identify and analyse the individual elements of the extended marketing mix 4 Apply the extended marketing mix to different marketing segments and contexts. Assignment 1 To get you started! NOTE: ALL WORK MUST BE REFERENCED USING THE HARVARD SYSTEM OF REFERENCING!NOT thisRead MoreImpact Of Marketing On International Marketing1194 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction 1 Company background and situational analysis in the context of international marketing environment 1 Impact of culture on international marketing strategy 1 Current marketing strategies of the corporation by taking into account the context of marketing research 2 Companies international market selection and entry strategies and marketing mixes 2 The influence of Electronic and digital marketing in an international context on the company’s current and future activities 2 Future directionsRead MoreMarketing Concepts Based On An Article Essay1488 Words  | 6 Pagesbusiness report is to deepening the comprehending and understanding of marketing concepts based on an article. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Stefan’s Diaries The Craving Chapter 11 Free Essays
The following morning, I clutched the soft linen sheets up to my neck, as I had when I was a child. With my eyes squeezed shut, I could almost pretend I was home again. That Damon and I were still human and having our usual brotherly quarrels. We will write a custom essay sample on Stefan’s Diaries: The Craving Chapter 11 or any similar topic only for you Order Now That our father was somewhere on the plantation, working. That Katherine was alive. No – wait. That we had never met Katherine. Or†¦ maybe I was in bed at Lexi’s house, unsure about my new life, but accepted in this new home of fellow vampires. I slowly came fully awake, and my fantasies crumbled against reality. I was in the Sutherlands’ house, still a captive of their generosity and my brother’s threats, an uneager groom being run quickly into an unwanted wedding. The Sutherlands weren’t terribly formal but nevertheless expected everyone to show up at breakfast. My dressing went perhaps slower than it might have normally, as I adjusted my sock garters until they were perfect, fiddled with my cuffs, and ran my hands through my hair. I didn’t much like looking in mirrors in those days. I hated who I saw there. By the time I finally made it downstairs to breakfast, the entire family was well into their meal. Mrs. Sutherland greeted me with a warm maternal smile that tore at my insides. Though I felt genuinely fond toward her, she was compelled to accept me. â€Å"Good morning,†I mumbled, slinking into my place. â€Å"Is there any coffee?†â€Å"You seem a bit down today, m’boy,†Winfield said, tucking his watch into his breast pocket. â€Å"And a bit thin, may I add. You definitely need fattening up before the wedding – I think I’ll take you to the club today. They do a wonderful lamb and pudding.†Lydia gave me an apologetic smile. With a shock I realized that a pretty rose-pink scarf encircled her neck, neatly covering the usual spot for a vampire bite. Damon had fed on her. I turned my head from the coffee that had been placed before me, my stomach churning. Unconsciously, I touched my neck where Katherine used to bite me, remembering the pain and pleasure all wound up together so sickly. Was it a message to me? To remind me of what would happen if I failed to marry Bridget? â€Å"Stefan! Don’t go to the club until later! We have a full day today,†Bridget warned. â€Å"We absolutely must, must, must go visit Bram’s family. They just love Damon – Brammy’s been taking him to all of the latest places, like that bar that serves real English-style Pimm’s Cups! I’ll have to wear my new blue muslin. To their house, not to the bar, naturally. It isn’t a suitable place for ladies. Fanny wanted blue muslin for her trousseau, but her engagement didn’t work out, poor thing†¦.†The door to the kitchen opened, and Damon stepped through. â€Å"Good morning, all,†he crowed, bright-eyed and chipper. He looked rested and sated as he gave Lydia a flirty bow and me a nasty wink. My shoulders clenched. â€Å"What are you doing here, Damon?†I asked in as innocent a tone as I could muster. â€Å"You didn’t hear?†He sat down at the table and unfolded his napkin with a flourish. â€Å"Winfield begged me to move in.†â€Å"Oh.†I pushed my chair back from the table, plastering a wobbly smile on my face to mask my anger. â€Å"Er, Damon, would you mind joining me in the foyer for a moment?†Damon grinned at me. â€Å"But I just sat down and I’m ever so hungry.†â€Å"It will take but a minute,†I said through clenched teeth. Lydia looked at me curiously, but after a beat, Damon scraped his chair back and followed me to the foyer. â€Å"Milady, I’ll return shortly.†The second we were out of earshot, I turned to my brother. â€Å"You are unbelievable. You’re moving in now?†â€Å"Why thank you,†Damon said with a facetious bow. â€Å"And yes. Were you not listening last night when I talked about all the amazing†¦ amenities the Sutherland abode has to offer?†The room began to spin around me as rage overtook me. My patience with Damon’s game was over. â€Å"Why bother with all of†¦ this?†I demanded. â€Å"These shenanigans? If you’re so powerful, why not just go into a bank and make them give you all of the gold in their vaults?†â€Å"I suppose I could, but where’s the fun in that?†â€Å"The fun?†I echoed in disbelief. â€Å"You’re doing this for fun?†Damon’s eyes hardened. â€Å"Tracks, brother. You’re not thinking ahead.†He frowned and brushed some imaginary lint off my jacket. â€Å"Yes, I could just steal the money and leave town. But we’re going to be around forever. Or at least I am. And compulsion doesn’t always take. In case you didn’t notice, Margaret remains quite stubborn, and having her or Winfield, should he ever shake my Power, go around waving my picture and calling me a thief†¦ well, I can’t have that. It’s much easier – and more fun – just to inherit it.†I gazed at the door that separated us from the happily dining Sutherlands. â€Å"Inherit it? As in, upon death?†â€Å"What? Why, brother, what exactly are you implying?†he asked, pretending to be hurt. â€Å"You keep your half of the bargain, and I don’t go on a killing spree. Remember? I gave you my word.†â€Å"No, Damon,†I said. â€Å"You said if I didn’t marry Bridget you would start killing everyone in that room. You specifically did not say anything about what would happen after we were married.†â€Å"Good point,†Damon said, nodding. â€Å"I’d like to kill a few people in their circle. Starting with that sycophant Bram. I think he has a thing for my Lydia, you know,†he added with mock anger. â€Å"Damon,†I growled. His eyes narrowed. â€Å"You take care of your wife. I’ll take care of mine.†I looked at my brother sharply. â€Å"So then you do plan to kill Winfield after he signs over his fortune?†â€Å"For that, you will just have to stick around and see.†â€Å"I won’t let you hurt any of them,†I promised through a clenched jaw. â€Å"You can’t stop me. Whatever I choose to do,†Damon hissed back. We glared at each other. My hands curled into fists. He shifted his stance, ready for a fight. At that moment Mrs. Sutherland poked her head into the foyer. â€Å"Boys? Everything okay out here?†â€Å"Yes, ma’am,†Damon answered graciously. â€Å"We were just acquainting ourselves.†He pointed the door to the kitchen and gave a slight bow. â€Å"After you, Stefan.†Reluctantly, I passed back into the kitchen, Damon close on my heels. â€Å"So tomorrow we pick out our suits,†Damon said. He was acting as though we were continuing a mundane discussion from the foyer, rather than just having ended an argument over the fates of everyone in the room. â€Å"Stefan, we should match! Why, Bridget, weren’t you just saying last night how someone, I forget who, matched her sister at another wedding? Silk or something?†He knew. He was my brother and he knew precisely how to torment me. Eternally. â€Å"Yes, of course, Damon,†Bridget said with a gratified smile, turning to me. â€Å"Stefan, you have to hear this. I thought about matching me and Lydia, but I’m not sure the effect would be as dramatic, what with Lydia’s figure†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I slowly sank down at the table, drowning in her words – and the knowledge that Damon was right. I had never been able to stop my brother, especially not when it mattered most. How to cite Stefan’s Diaries: The Craving Chapter 11, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Project Manager in Construction
The Project Project Objective The principle objective of this project is to enhance travel to and from South Wales across the Murray River using the easiest and cheapest option.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Project Manager in Construction specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Project Background and Rationale ABC Infrastructure Engineering Group Inc. has been awarded with a Design and Construct Contract from Federal Government of Australia to construct a multi-purpose bridge across the Murray River from and to South Wales. The bridge is to be named the â€Å"The Murray River Bypass†. The proposed new and only multipurpose bridge across the Murray River will greatly reduce traffic from the existing Victoria Bridge. The bridge will greatly enhance efficiency of delivery of goods and services between the two cities. This proposed bridge will provide safe crossing for local commuters, encourage walking, and c ycling as an alternative option of transport. The project has been commissioned following extreme pressure from local residents, businesspeople, and politicians regarding too much time taken to make trade across the two towns. The distance between the two towns using the Victoria Bridge is twice as much as the â€Å"The Murray River Bypass†which will cut through the river almost at the mid level. Pundits reckon that business between the two towns will increase two folds and there is likely to be increased tourism. The latter is because of the scenic nature the new way will create interest from commuters. Hence, landowners along the new route will most likely come up with ways to shore up tourism to attract residents of the two towns (Gray and Larson, 70). Project Manager’s Involvement The project manager at Murray River project controls and coordinates the project through the managerial actions of planning, organizing, and leading, among others. Project managersâ€⠄¢ actions are constantly aimed at change, while other managers’ jobs involve maintaining a stable working environment. Thus, the Murray River project manager has to be a team manager, by interacting with project members, from the General Manager, Construction Managers, and Engineers to the builders, drillers, and technicians at the site. As the Murray River project involves international expertise, the project manager has to build team ethos in a multicultural and multilingual group of project staff.Advertising Looking for essay on project management? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Earning the respect of the team is crucial for the project manager; therefore, he/she must be a person of utmost honesty, integrity, and vision. The project manager shall control the project constraints to ensure that everything goes as planned. These constraints include time, quality, cost, and scope. The manager will do this by checking p roject specifications, schedule, and the budget allocations. The project manager will use the tools outlined previously for that purpose (Chase and Jacobs 200). Some of them are discussed below (Control Point Identification Chart and Milestone Chart). Control Point Identification Chart The chart below will be useful for tracking areas that may go wrong and anticipating ways in which the project manager will solve the problems to avoid nasty surprises. Table 1 Control Point Identification Chart Control Parameter What is likely to go wrong? How and when to indentify The solution Quality There may be less qualified employees Personal inspection of every stage Substandard work to be redone Cost/Budget Cost of any sub-unit may exceed budget When sale deals are sealed Seek alternative partners, consider alternative materials’ input Time/Schedule Time to complete any sub unit may exceed schedule Monitoring progress along critical path of network diagram Improve efficiency, recoup time from other areas, consider overtime if within budget Milestone Charts This powerful implementation tool clearly summarizes the status of a project by highlighting key events. Milestone charts state what events in the project’s life have been completed. In addition, the chart states the duration it took to complete the events, and, whether this is the duration, the project manager had scheduled for the event (Chase and Jacobs 206). Hence, the manager continually records the variance between the actual and scheduled times. In addition, it outlines the remaining events and the project manager’s anticipated completion time. The project manager develops the project charter. A project charter is the only stage, which gives an estimation of the costs associated with the project. This is crucial as it defines the scope, performance, quality, and time factors of the project.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Project Manager in Constructio n specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A project charter also looks critically at the benefits that the project will accrue both from an economic and social standpoint. Additionally, it helps in determining organizational, financial, and technical capabilities of both the individuals and the company. Conclusively, it is a crucial starting point towards implementation of the project (Gray and Larson 190). Key Players Involved with Project Manager The government The Australian government issued a contract to ABC Infrastructure Engineering Group Inc after an intensive tendering process. The process involved background checks capability analyses and submission of estimates of various variables for the project. These include costs, schedule, and possible sub contractor partnerships. The project manager played a key role (Kloppenborg 70). Subcontractors The project will require the input of subcontractors for supplies and other extension servic es. The project manager will be in direct contact at all times. Engineers The engineers will be crucial in specifying materials, designs and the actual construction of the bridge. Since they form a crucial part of the project, they will be in constant contact with the project manager. Roles and Responsibilities of Project Manager Communication In order to keep the work going on smoothly, it is very crucial to maintain an organized workforce. The project manager is an expert in leadership qualities. He knows how to handle such a huge workforce. He addresses them sympathetically and asks for any problems that they might have. This behavior of the project manager garners honor and respect for him. The workers come forward and express their problems and in turn, the project manager tries his level best to find solutions. An example of a communication matrix is outlined below (Gray and Larson 160). Information Provider Recipient(s) Frequency Medium Location Status Report PM Project Directors Every 1.5 Months Presentation Government headquarters Report Engineer Project Manager 4 weeks Email Share point Budget Performance Accountant Project Manager 4 weeks Email Share Point Risk Identification The project manager indentifies risks to ensure the project does not run into future problems and if it does, the risk is already anticipated. The following is an example of a risk (Kloppenborg 78).Advertising Looking for essay on project management? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Technical Risk Technical risks may be occasioned by: Errors occasioned by design and construction Poor planning is the main reason for the occurrence of previous technical risk Quality assurance checklists are an important to curb technical risks Scheduling and Planning Scheduling often begins in a tentative manner. Detailed schedules are developed as the process proceeds. This requires consistent communication between the project manager and project stakeholders, as they will need to be informed of scheduling changes or delays in implementation. It is due to the tentative nature of scheduling that cost control is also a dynamic process. The initial schedule and cost estimates need to be revised in the light of new information acquired during the project lifespan. This means that scheduling and cost control will fluctuate during the project, as the project manager adjusts to changing circumstances (Kloppenborg 80). Checking Project Parameters For companies engaged in future constr uction, the right forecast of the future project cost is very significant. The Murray River Project Plan is the basis of the project scheduling and cost control. Once the prospective subcontractors have been informed of the deadline for completion of their subcontracts, they submit their bids. Those, which fit within the project plan parameters of time cost and quality, are selected and given permission to proceed. This is carried out at the specification phase. However, this is an ongoing process, as a subcontractor may go over budget. This is the responsibility of the particular subcontractor involved, who will cover all extra costs. The project manager oversees that. Dealing with other stakeholders The project manager deals with all stakeholders involved in the project including the government, local community, sub contractors, among others. Drawing the project charter The project management lifecycle is challenging. A project manager’s failure to draw up a charter to look into the future may prove costly during implementation because of the probable resistance from the teams tasked with its implementation. Additionally, financial and technical assistance may not be forthcoming. Therefore, a project charter should be the first step in the success of a project (Chase and Jacobs 567). There may be poor estimation and forecasting because of lack of professionals, which may prove costly as budgets, returns, and social benefits may be skewed against the project manager. This may have detrimental impact to the scope and time constraints of a project. Carrying out feasibility analyses The project management lifecycle is a costly affair. It requires financial input. In the initial stages, pre-feasibility and feasibility analyses may prove that a project mission and vision is not viable. However, resources will have being used by the organization (project manager) to carry out the study. The organization may lack proper people to implement the project. Bringi ng together people to work and fit in the culture of an organization may prove hectic. Training, which uses resources, may be required. Management of the groups while working towards the project’s mission may also be hard work for the project manager (Chase and Jacobs 500). Works Cited Chase, Richard, and Jacobs Richard. Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, New York: McGraw Irwin, 2006. Print. Gray, Carlos, and Larson Edwin. Project Management: The Managerial Process, Singapore: McGraw–Hill Education, 2008. Print. Kloppenborg, Timothy. Contemporary Project Management, New York: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print. 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